Estate and Legacy Strategies
Estate and Legacy Strategies in Huntsville AL and Brentwood, TN
Estate and legacy strategies are often forgotten about by many families and financial firms. Let’s face it, it’s not easy talking about passing away, but that doesn’t mean legacy planning should never be discussed. While we do not provide legal services, we do work with several estate planning attorneys to ensure families have the proper legal documents in place.

Helping You Every Step of the Way
At WG Financial Group, we want to be there with you every step of the way with your planning. We will ask the hard questions. We’ll play devil’s advocate to help you think critically about your assets and where they are going when you are called home.
Help Protect Your Hard
Earned Assets
We work hard for most of our lives so we can save for retirement and to leave a legacy to our families when we are gone. While we are here, we face several risks- one of which is long term care. Having the proper long term care in place to help protect your assets is a important piece to a plan. Most people don’t ever plan to use it, but are glad they have it in place when that unfortunate time comes.
Once you leave this earth, having the proper legal documents in place to help ensure your legacy is carried out the way you intended.

WG Financial Group has a strategic partnership with tax professionals and attorneys who can provide tax and/or legal advice.